



merry go around

Azar Says:

Submitted on 2009/11/26 at 2:56am

I hope ppl see how different this revolution is comper to 1997. than it was carefully plan, conducted and supported by UK,USA even Russia and others. Now, it is very clear that so called 5+1 have no intrest in the will of the ppl simply becuase ppl want democracy!

That means no tyrant in Iran which is not accepteble. Much beter to deal with the tyrant, easy to get all they want in order to support them! If ppl get close to win they will attack Iran and cut it in peaces. Divide and rule! Unless Iran become such hosile country that no one would feel safe to invest in it, that sould be the target for ppl beacause the regime will otomaticaly colaps.




Submitted on 2009/11/26 at 1:01am

Very well done!! I have been with this from the beginning of “Iranelection” and have watched this movement grow and grow worldwide.















Houston, We got problem! Beam me up Scotty!!!!



this revolution ain’t going nowhere



look at shah, islamic republic & mojahedin followers on twitter.



mousavi has a lot but not comunicating.



i have a lot but not good, no body listen to me



previous revolution people had no idea as comments above explains.






this revolution people are too smart so everybody is a leader

as they say:





too many chiefs  and not enough indians!

Houston, We’ve   got a problem! Beam me up Scotty!!!!





