
December 6, 2009


Although there are 2 kinds of democracy, human rights & Islam one is subjective the other objective.

But all of these are the same!

Human Rights was originated to aware the dictator or tyrant that we the people have certain rights and should not be violated

Democracy says the same thing that people could vote out tyrant.

Islam also believe in equality so no one could be superior or act like a tyrant.




The reason Shah fell was due to not agreeing to share oil revenue with clergy!

Clergy was getting penny to a dollar and wanted 50-50

Shah did not agree and they took 100%




My suggestion to Islamic Republic is this:

take 100% of oil revenue but

divide Iran in two

one half for Islamic Republic to continue with their regime and enjoy oil revenue

the other half for pro democracy and human rights to live free and not in fear of  kill, torture and rape.

but if Islamic Republic not accept this offer the chances are…….


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